☑0003 Next 10 records were fetched from the database.
Post IdPublish DateTitleSummary
382021‑09‑12Judge dismisses ‘Inevitable Accident’ Defence in Motorcycle Injury LawsuitDefendants who are sued for damages in a personal injury lawsuit sometimes argue that the accident was inevitable and outside of their control. To win their case, a defendant must give compelling evidence that the accident couldn’t have been avoided,
302013‑06‑06Learn how to prepare for your CPP HearingIn order to overturn a denial of CPP benefits it is necessary to present your case to the Social Security Tribunal. This article describes steps you can take that will increase your chances of success when proving eligibility for CPP benefits.
712021‑06‑14Liabilities When Another Person Borrows Your Car & Causes an AccidentAs the owner of a vehicle, you are liable for injuries and damage caused by anyone driving your car, unless you can prove the car was taken without your consent. In a case where your child ‘borrowed’ the car, it can sometimes be difficult to prove th
702022‑03‑10Liability of Insurance Companies for Unfairly Denying your Disability ClaimsEmployees, working on behalf of their employer, may be liable if their actions cause losses or harm to a person. The Court of Appeal in two separate cases, Burns v. RBC Life Insurance Co. and Sataur v. Starbucks Coffee Canada Inc. defines parameters
612019‑07‑12Life-altering Effects of an Acquired Brain InjuryEvery year, about 160,000 Canadians suffer an acquired brain injury. And, because a brain injury may impact every aspect of an individual’s physical and mental health, brain injuries are often life-changing and result in a substantially diminished qu
332022‑04‑14Making a Claim for Uninsured Driver CoverageIf you were involved in an accident caused by an uninsured, under-insured or hit-and-run driver, you may file an uninsured driver claim against your own insurance company.
362021‑11‑08Many Canadians suffer from Back Injury and Chronic PainBack injuries are often caused by car accidents and falls, and are a leading cause of disability. One of the most debilitating symptoms of a back injury is the pain that commonly accompanies these injuries and for many victims, the pain is chronic an
642019‑02‑15Ontario Drivers face stricter Drunk Driving and Distracted Driving LawsEffective December 18th, drunk driving laws were changed in Canada, making it easier for police to require drivers to submit to a roadside Breathalyzer test. And, effective January 1st, Ontario enacted stricter penalties for anyone convicted of distr
602019‑08‑16Other Drivers often at Fault in Motorcycle Accidents in KitchenerThe risk of serious and fatal injuries is higher for motorcycle riders, but many motorcycle accidents are preventable and result when other road users are negligent and fail to properly monitor for motorcyclists. Learn about your options for compensa
512020‑07‑01Pandemic laws enacted to combat the spread of Covid-19 in CanadaGovernments at all levels in Canada have invoked laws or orders to prevent the spread of Covid-19. For the most part, pandemic laws enacted during this crisis have been viewed as necessary by Canadians and there has been little pushback, but time wil


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